Punjab Healthcare Commission PHC Jobs Latest 2023

Punjab Healthcare Commission PHC Jobs Latest 2023

We provide precise details on PHC Jobs 2023 at Punjab Healthcare Commission. Details are also available on PHC's main website at www.phc.org.pk.

The Commission aims to promote a culture of quality assurance in healthcare services by creating and enforcing minimal service delivery standards at all primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities in Punjab's public and private sectors.

For residents of Punjab, the PHC provides fresh employment opportunities. Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Sargodha, and Bahawalpur are the locations of these openings.

Manager Field, IT, Field Supervisor, and Data Collector/Surveyor positions are now available. Those who are desired and want to apply must fulfill the requirements.

Candidates with an intermediate degree and a master's degree are eligible to register. Candidates can access comprehensive information at www.phc.org.pk, the PHC website.

PHC is a workplace that values diversity. People of color and those with exceptional abilities are encouraged to register. The incumbents must receive a salary and other perks that are competitive with the market.

Recent advertisements have announced the newest Punjab Healthcare Commission job openings for April 2023. A separate governing body is called the Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC).

As a result of the PHC Act of 2010, by creating and enforcing minimal service delivery standards at all healthcare institutions at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in the public and private sectors of Punjab, the Commission seeks to create a culture of quality assurance in the provision of healthcare services. Male or female candidates may register for these Latest Govt Jobs in Punjab and may be selected for these Jobs in Pakistan following the completion of the hiring process.

Punjab Healthcare Commission PHC Jobs Latest 2023

Punjab Healthcare Commission PHC Jobs Details:

Posted on: April 6, 2023


Location: Punjab

Education: Intermediate, Master

Last Date: April 21, 2023


Vacancies: Multiple

Company: Punjab Healthcare Commission or PHC


Address: Punjab Healthcare Commission, 185 Ahmad Block, New Garden Town, Lahore

Vacant Positions:

  • Data Collector/Surveyor
  • Field Supervisor
  • Manager Field
  • Manager IT

How To Apply?

  • You can find application forms and job descriptions on the Punjab Healthcare Commission website at www.phc.org.pk OR Click Here.
  • Applicants can submit online applications at the PHC website.
  • Application Processing Fee must be paid using the Challan Form on the specified website.

About Organization:

To raise the standard of healthcare services in the Punjab province of Pakistan, the Government of Punjab, Pakistan, created the Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC), an independent regulatory body, in 2010. The PHC is responsible for issuing licenses and accreditations to healthcare institutions, keeping an eye on the caliber of medical services, and taking appropriate action against healthcare providers who don't adhere to set standards.

The PHC develops and enforces standards for healthcare providers, promotes the implementation of best practices, and works to increase patient safety to raise the caliber of healthcare services. Additionally, it offers healthcare professionals support and instruction to adhere to established standards.

The PHC can look into complaints about healthcare providers, discipline those who transgress accepted norms, and bring judicial action against healthcare providers who endanger public health.

To ensure that healthcare services in Punjab are of the highest caliber, the PHC collaborates closely with healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders. The PHC is dedicated to promoting openness and accountability in the healthcare sector.

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