Latest Jobs In Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited Bahawalpur 2023

We have listed Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited Jobs 2023 - on this website. The Daily Jang Daily sends us the word of this opening. The Asia Ghee is seeking personnel for the Bahawalpur Region.

Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited requires Account Managers. Candidates with the necessary credentials (CA Finalist) and at least two to three years of experience may apply for job possibilities.

We are dedicated to giving our clients the best ghee products possible and constantly looking for talented people to add to our team. We'll give you all the details you require in this piece about the most current employment opportunities at Asia Ghee Mills Pvt. We were limited in Pakistan.

Jobs in Sales and Marketing

We also have several positions open if you are passionate about sales and marketing. We are currently hiring for the following positions:

  • Sales Executive 
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Executive
  •  Marketing Manager

The email address for sending resumes to candidates is The registration will be accepted until April 16, 2023.

Why Should You Work for Asia Ghee Mills Pvt Limited?

At Asia Ghee Mills Pvt. Limited, we are dedicated to offering a supportive and fulfilling work atmosphere for all our employees. Since we consider our employees our most precious asset, we are committed to giving them the tools and resources they require to succeed.

Benefits of working at Asia Ghee Mills Pvt. Limited include:

  • packages with competitive salaries and perks
  • Opportunities for professional development and progress
  • access to training and development opportunities, A supportive and cooperative work atmosphere
  • the chance to work for one of Pakistan's top butter producers

Latest Jobs In Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited Bahawalpur 2023

Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited Jobs Latest

Posted on: April 3, 2023

Location: Bahawalpur

Education: CA

Last Date: April 16, 2023

Vacancies: 01

Company: Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited

Address: Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited, Bahawalpur

Vacant Positions:

  • Manager Accounts

How To Apply?

Visit our website at if any of the positions above pique your interest. You can then explore our available job openings and submit an online application.

About Organization:

A business called Asia Ghee Mills Private Limited is situated in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Ghee, a clarified butter that is frequently used in South Asian cooking, is produced and sold by the business.

The company's manufacturing facility is furnished with cutting-edge equipment and has a daily production capability of more than 150 metric tonnes of ghee. Asia Ghee Mills has received certification from numerous quality assurance agencies, demonstrating its dedication to producing high-quality ghee that satisfies worldwide standards.

Aside from the domestic market, Asia Ghee Mills also distributes its goods to several nations, including Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The business wants to establish itself as a top ghee supplier in the area and increase the variety of foods it offers.


Asia Ghee Mills Pvt. Limited might be ideal if you're searching for a demanding and satisfying career in the ghee manufacturing sector. We offer various employment options and are dedicated to giving our staff the tools and resources they require to succeed. Visit our website immediately to learn more about our available positions and to submit an online application.