Latest Job In Combined Military Hospital CMH 2023 - CMH Jobs

Combined Military Hospital CMH

Latest Job In Combined Military Hospital CMH 2023 - CMH Jobs

Combined Military Hospital CMH Jobs Notice Distributed on 11 Walk 2023 in Day to Day Express Paper, CMH welcomes applications for the vacant post of Dhobi, Gatekeeper, Designer, Chowkidar, Naib Qasid, and Aya in Badin Sindh Pakistan. Competitors with residences in Sindh Territory are qualified to go after these jobs.

Pakistan Officers Sindh welcomes applications from qualified people for its most recent enlistment on an Agreement Premise (Pakistan Officers Sindh Jobs 2023 | Application System).

The Pakistan Officers welcome applications from Guys/Females candidates for the arrangement of Trained professionals/Clinical Officials. The two Regular folks and Armed forces Resigned People might apply for this arrangement.

Jobs are opening for Careful Trained professionals, Gynecologists, Anesthetists, Eye Subject matter experts, Ladies, Senio Clinical Officials, and General Obligation Clinical Officials.

For these openings, clinical professionals with BSc, MSc, MBBS, and FCPS capabilities may apply. The agreement will be made with full transparency. Candidates from all around Pakistan are eligible to apply.

Chosen people can be posted anyplace in Sindh. They can advance their applications on plain paper with CVs to the Chief General Pakistan Officers (Sindh), Karachi. The application cutoff time is 15 days after the distribution date.

Specialists from Pakistan's Military Clinical Corps run these hospitals. As per their capacities, CMHs are ordered into A, B, and C classes and relate to tertiary consideration, essential consideration, and optional consideration hospitals.

Up-and-comers with Essential Training, Proficiency and registration capability are qualified to apply. As far as possible, this position is for 18 to 25 years of age. Sindh Government Rules, in any case, will accommodate the unwinding of the upper age limit.

Combined Military Hospital CMH 2023

Combined Military Hospital CMH Jobs Details:

 Posted on: March 11, 2023

Last Date: April 06, 2023

Location: Sindh

Education: Literate, Primary, Middle, and Matric

Vacancies: 09

Company: Combined Military Hospital - CMH

Address: Commandant, CMH, Badin

Vacant Positions:

  • Aya (BPS-01)
  • Dhobi (BPS-01)
  • Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
  • Sanitary Worker (BPS-01)
  • Tailor (BPS-04)
  • Watchman (BPS-01)

About Organization:

Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Badin is a clinical office of the Pakistan Armed forces in Badin, Sindh territory, Pakistan. The hospital offers clinical assistance to the military workforce, their families, and regular citizens nearby. CMH Badin is furnished with cutting-edge clinical gear and staffed by exceptionally qualified clinical experts, including specialists, attendants, and other medical care staff.

The hospital offers clinical benefits, including crisis care, medical procedure, short-term administrations, research center and demonstrative administrations, and recovery administrations. Notwithstanding clinical benefits, CMH Badin likewise gives different local area administrations, for example, well-being training and mindfulness programs, blood gift camps, and free clinical camps in far-off regions.

CMH Badin is a piece of the more prominent organization of CMH hospitals laid out in different urban communities of Pakistan. These hospitals offer clinical assistance to the military staff and their families concerning the overall population.

How to Apply?

Intrigued can send their applications on plain paper with verified duplicates of supporting reports and a Postal Request of Rs. 400/ -. Applications ought to be submitted to the Commandant, CMH, Badin.

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