Combined Military Hospital - CMH Jobs Details:

CMH announced that the Medical College of Georgia 2023 dental institutes and relevant folklore are invited to train the population. This should be used in the organization's characteristics, which are considered in the characteristics of different national corners and is at the end of today from Pakistan.

CMH's Last work of the new Lahore Lahore Lahore work of the senator and record of pharmacies, change, change, reform, crisis, and sales team should be completed. Motivated and qualified candidates can be on this occasion.

Independent with a diploma in terms of the relevant field Master's Master and Masters and Masters and Masters and Masters and Masters and Masters and three to five years. You need to find the notification after the post to see more details about the job.

CMH's Last work of the new Lahore Lahore Lahore work of the senator and record of pharmacies, change, change, reform, crisis, and sales team should be completed. Motivated and qualified candidates can be on this occasion.

CMH reminds applications that they apply in vain to fill the Institute of empty animals in the Institute of sans pants at the ÚOOÚ. We obtained these works at CMH Lahore Institute of Medical College and Deniter in 2023 of daily speech at the Institute of Dance. Laughter candidates looking for jobs in Rocha and medical medicine should read this notification.

CMH Lahore Medical College & Halfist Institute is seeking teachers and adult registries. This appointment will be on a contractual basis only.

Only professionals are allowed to get this single career. Qualifications of positions that require MBBS-FCPS that are similar or qualified. The criteria for each entry are set out in the advertisement.

CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry Jobs Latest 2023

Combined Military Hospital - CMH Jobs Details:

Posted on: March 13, 2023

Last Date: March 20, 2023

Location: Lahore

Education: MBBS, FCPS

Vacancies: Multiple

Company: Combined Military Hospital - CMH

Address: HR Department, CMH Lahore Medical College - Lahore, Shami Road

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Vacant Positions:

  • Assistant Professor
  • Senior Registrar

About Organization:

CMH Lahore Medical College & Statistics Institute - Lahore, the medical institution in Pakistan. The college was formed in 2006 by the Pakistani Army project the Pakistan Army project, Pakistan and international students for good medical exercises and training.

College Lahore is compatible with the University of Health of the University and supported by Pakistan Medical and most. They provide licenses, graduates, divisions of graduates, denoting nurses, and scientific service and service of society.

The Institute is a current day of daily rooms and sermons serving as a school for medical students. There are plenty of abundant teachers in college, including local and international teachers who give students to educated students.

CMH Lahore Lahore Medical College and Totististusi Institute are known for their skills, medical knowledge, and medical care. He produced many winning graduates who were successful careers in Pakistan and abroad.

How to Apply?

  • The HR Department of CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry, Shami Road, Lahore, is where interested candidates should send their applications with a comprehensive CV and any necessary paperwork.
  • CMH College must receive applications by March 20, 2023.